Examining the strategies in the virtual teaching of writings during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Syawal Syawal
Patahuddin Patahuddin
Muhaimin Abdullah
Esnara B. Chester


This study sought to examine the strategies adopted by teachers to improve students’ writing ability during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study was conducted at the Department of English Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare, Indonesia. The research method involved a questionnaire to see the students’ interest in learning English and a pre-test/post-test to see the student’s ability to promote tourism objects through written texts. The data indicates a significant contribution of Virtual Traveling Strategy in writing class. Moreover, the majority of students agree that the Virtual Traveling Strategy is very useful and applicable in in-class writing.  Furthermore, the dependency on internet connection becomes the weakness of this strategy. Despite its limitations, this method is highly recommended as one of the teaching strategies for addressing writing skills.


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How to Cite
Syawal, S., Patahuddin, P., Abdullah, M., & Chester, E. B. (2023). Examining the strategies in the virtual teaching of writings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.58256/rjah.v4i2.1042

How to Cite

Syawal, S., Patahuddin, P., Abdullah, M., & Chester, E. B. (2023). Examining the strategies in the virtual teaching of writings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.58256/rjah.v4i2.1042



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