Milestones towards FGM eradication among the Abagusii of Kenya


  • Callen Nyamwange Department of Psychology, Kisii University, Kenya


FGM, prevalence, ARP, girls and women, female, community


Despite Female genital mutilation (FGM) being a violation of human rights against girls and women, it has persisted for several centuries. Therefore, this study sought to find out the milestones covered towards its eradication. FGM entails the partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other injuries to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. It does not only harm women physically, but also harms their emotional health with far reaching effects throughout their lives. The study was conducted in the greater Kisii (Kisii and Nyamira counties) utilising 252 participants and employed a mixed research design. Data were collected using questionnaires, and structured interview schedules. The study concluded that despite its persistence, FGM has generally shown a painfully low declining prevalence. In the greater Kisii and indeed elsewhere, the situation is complicated by studies employing outdated data. Also, the study found that eradication of FGM is possible through the use of a combination of multi-community level interventions and national legislative mechanisms. In addition, increased education and awareness as well as driving the process through community approaches can increase effectiveness. This is because education is a salient prime mover for behaviour change. This study suggests that developing an Alternative Rite of Passage (ARP) may be an easier way to eradicate FGM. In conclusion, ending FGM is a tricky matter that is intertwined and embedded in culture. However, the fact that most girls have not undergone FGM is a clear indication that FGM is headed towards its end.


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How to Cite

Milestones towards FGM eradication among the Abagusii of Kenya. (2021). Hybrid Journal of Psychology, 2(1).