Assessing the effects of social-economic interactions between the Abagusii and the Nubian communities in Kisii Township (2003-2013)


  • Hesbon John Department of History, Kisii University, Kenya
  • Evans Nyamwaka Department of History, Kisii University, Kenya
  • Herman Kiriama Department of History, Kisii University, Kenya




The aim of the study was to assess effects of the interactions between the Abagusii and the Nubian communities 2003-2013. The study was guided by Ethnic Stratification and Ethnic Identity Theory. The study was qualitative in nature and Historical research design was used to provide chronology and transformation of the interactions between the Nubians and Abagusii of Kisii Township Location, Kisii County. This study targeted both Nubians and Abagusii communities who are living in Kisii Township Location, Kisii County. The community leaders such as elderly people, clan elders, chiefs, sub-chiefs, Islamic religious leaders and Christian religious leaders, were also targeted because they have vital information about the Nubians living within Kisii Township Location. Purposive and Snowball sampling procedures was used to identify 50 informants for the study. The analysed data was reported in form of narrations coupled with first hand quotation from the primary data. The study found out that the Nubians as ex British solders settled in Kisii in 1938. The study will help to identify the contribution of Nubians towards Kenya’s cultural heritage. It will also enrich historiography of Ethnic interaction not only in Kenya but also globally.


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How to Cite

Assessing the effects of social-economic interactions between the Abagusii and the Nubian communities in Kisii Township (2003-2013). (2022). Journal of African Studies and Ethnographic Research, 4(1).