Examining factors that promotes continuity of artistic perspectives: The case of Anlo traditional marriage system in Ghana


  • Godwin Gbadagba Department of Vocational Education, Dambai College of Education, Ghana
  • Empeh Etseh Henry Department of Vocational Education, Dambai College of Education, Ghana
  • Agbeyewornu Kofi Kemevor Department of Graphic Design, University of Education-Winneba, Winneba, Ghana


Arts and Culture


The Anlo Ewe are a sub-group of the Ewe people of approximately 6 million people, inhabiting southern Togo, Southern Benin, Southwest Nigeria, and South-eastern parts of the Volta Region of Ghana; meanwhile, a majority of Ewe are located in the entire southern half of Togo and southwest Benin. This study however, focused on the role of arts and cultural perspectives in traditional marriages of the Anlo sub-group of Ghana. This study will go a long way to add onto the existing research on African marriage contexts.


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How to Cite

Examining factors that promotes continuity of artistic perspectives: The case of Anlo traditional marriage system in Ghana. (2020). Journal of African Studies and Ethnographic Research, 3(1). https://mail.royalliteglobal.com/african-studies/article/view/217