The functionality of aesthetic illusion and epistemic relativism in Grace Ogot’s The Strange Bride (1989)

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Souleymane Diallo


Throughout a dimensional analysis of rationality and a factual relativism justification, The Strange Bride upholds a temporal perspective and a neo-experience of present within which Grace Ogot methodic metafiction, defines a differential relational model regarding the Be-, the There-ness and norms of belief. This vigorous realm of interaction impels the inflection of alethic modality to stand as a meromorphic function; then, the illusion of time and the spacetime dimension dive the cosmological time, the metaphysic of time, the linguistic conception of time and contemporary cultural theory in a combinatorial set of a pluricellular function and a multifactorial understanding. Through the temporal structure and the representation of the continuum of spacetime, Ogot circumscribes a connectionism transformation; therefore, the form and the content of the Be-ing, the relationalism between space-time continuum and the there-ness dimension of creative imagination become an aesthetic and functional performance. In this dynamic, the problematic of the Be-ing object from the quantitative nominal properties of time characterizes, in this model of narrative, the metaphysic of presence and the cultural theory of time.


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How to Cite
Diallo, S. (2022). The functionality of aesthetic illusion and epistemic relativism in Grace Ogot’s The Strange Bride (1989). Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 3(2), 1-15.
Author Biography

Souleymane Diallo, Anglophone Department, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal

Souleymane Diallo is a member of the Arts, Cultures and Civilizations doctoral School, and the Postcolonial and African Studies Laboratory at Cheikh Anta Diop university. His research field mostly revolves around African studies, African Literature and literary criticism. Souleymane Diallo teaches English and Stylistic at International School of Dakar (ISD), he is currently teaching International Trade and Political Negotiation in the Faculty of Economic and Management Science (FASEG/UCAD), Literature and Literary Theory in the English Department of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences (FLSH/UCAD). He is a PhD in African Literature and Civilization.

How to Cite

Diallo, S. (2022). The functionality of aesthetic illusion and epistemic relativism in Grace Ogot’s The Strange Bride (1989). Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 3(2), 1-15.



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