It’s all in the noise: A review of noise stress on gastric secretions via the stimulation of corticosteroids and management options


Ravinder Mehra
Sumel Ashique
Afzal Hussain
Mohammad A. Altamimi
Mahesh Prashad
Thomas J. Webster


One of the toughest sources of restrictions on the environment and the workplace is noise. Numerous impacts of noise on the immune system, hormone levels, and the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems have been well recognized. In this regard, noise induced stress imparts a very serious effect on the body and is considered one of the richest elements of pollution in the environment. It is well documented in the research arena that noise affects immune function, hormonal levels, and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems through the secretion of hormones and other biomolecules. For example, the excessive secretion of acids leads to an acidic bounce or the peptic juice over secretion that can end with gastric as well as the peptic ulcers. This review article was focused on the latest information concerning gastric acid secretion through noise induced corticosteroid hormones. The pathophysiology of noise stress-induced disorders is heavily influenced by the disruption of the brain-gut axis. Noise stress enhances visceral sensitivity, affects gastrointestinal (GI) motility, increases intestinal permeability, and profoundly activates mast cells, which release a variety of proinflammatory mediators. The main aim here is to make clear that the effects of noise of varying intensities can alter gastric stimulation and key health issues so that the medical community can focus on probable treatment options, something that has not been acknowledged in medicine to date.




How to Cite
It’s all in the noise: A review of noise stress on gastric secretions via the stimulation of corticosteroids and management options. (2022). Research Journal in Medical and Health Sciences, 3(1), 40-56.

How to Cite

It’s all in the noise: A review of noise stress on gastric secretions via the stimulation of corticosteroids and management options. (2022). Research Journal in Medical and Health Sciences, 3(1), 40-56.


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