Determining the relationship between psychological empowerment and commitment in selected star rated Hotels in Kisumu City, Kenya
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This study sought to assess the relationship between psychological empowerment and commitment in selected star rated Hotels in Kisumu City, Kenya. It adopted both descriptive and explanatory research designs. 1372 employees and 130 managers from 34 star-rated hotels made up the target population. Thirty-one non-managerial employees and thirteen management personnel made up the study’s sample. Random and stratified sampling was used to select the respondents. Surveys and interviews were used to gather data. Expert judgment was used to assess the validity of the questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. In addition to this, inferential statistics included linear regression and hierarchical multiple regression, whereas descriptive statistics include things like mean, frequency, and standard deviation. According to the findings, psychological empowerment and commitment to perform their duties in certain star-rated hotels have a substantial positive link. The study found that employee involvement in particular hotels was influenced by psychological empowerment and commitment. Employees should be able to utilize their own principles and standards to accomplish organizational objectives.
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