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This study investigates literary etymologies of the Ewe names of punctuation marks and their significance to the teaching and learning of punctuation in Ewe. Employing the theory of literary etymology which outlines nine criteria through which a name can be studied, the Ewe names for fullstop, comma, colon, semicolon, question mark, exclamation mark and quotation marks were investigated. Findings reveal pertinent information behind each one of the Ewe names of these punctuation marks. For example, the Ewe names for fullstop, comma and semicolon have behind them a metaphorical journey one undertakes, where one comes to a complete halt in a fullstop; where one takes a breather in a comma; and a long rest in a semicolon. This study has implications for the teaching and learning of punctuation in Ewe in that in-depth information behind the names of the punctuation marks would enhance the teaching and learning of the topic of punctuation in Ewe. Besides, the names of punctuation marks in other languages could reveal idiosyncrasies that may corroborate or contest the present study and may propel the knowledge of punctuation marks to new heights.
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How to Cite
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