Establishing the nexus between information availability and good governance: Authors’ perspective

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Samuel Muthami Wanjiru
Daniel Muthee Wambiri


This paper discusses the role that information and knowledge in the contemporary world play in enhancing good governance with reference to Kenya. Information and knowledge are the raw materials that drive decision-making in both small and big organizations. This also applies to day-to-day personal undertakings. It is the lifeblood that runs in all enterprises both as input and output. If for example a political party or a country is considered as a company, information is one of the single most vital ingredients that hold all the other sectors together. The paper delves into the features of good governance, the role of information, challenges in availing information as well as measures to plug gaps in support of good governance in Kenya.


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How to Cite
Wanjiru, S. M., & Wambiri, . D. M. (2021). Establishing the nexus between information availability and good governance: Authors’ perspective. Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2).

How to Cite

Wanjiru, S. M., & Wambiri, . D. M. (2021). Establishing the nexus between information availability and good governance: Authors’ perspective. Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(2).


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