Music as a conveyor of public health messages on COVID-19 in Kenya
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The use of music as a method of communicating messages on developing issues and as a source of entertainment accentuates its multifarious role in many societies. Four Kiswahili songs composed by Kenyan musicians and addressing the COVID-19 pandemic issue were downloaded from the YouTube. These were songs by Sawbo feat. Gyg, Indakala The Poet, Danny P. Mboka and Salome Wairimu. The lyrics were then transcribed, translated and critically analyzed to discern the public health messages inherent in them. This study analyzes the use of songs as a public health strategy in the fight against COVID-19 by examining the thematic concerns and conceptual metaphors in the selected songs. The strategy of using music for edutainment allows educational messages to be ingrained in entertainment channels in order to positively change behaviours and attitudes. Music focuses on the socio-cultural values and aids in the executions of day-to-day procedures. Music is used here to convey public health messages that inform the citizens about the existence of the novel corona virus and how to cope with the pandemic while at the same time entertaining the masses. Images of COVID-19 pandemic are presented in conceptual metaphors. The songs also address specific common themes that are caused by the existence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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How to Cite
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