Ideologising revolutionary egalitarianism in Jared Angira’s and John Clare’s poetry
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Accruing knowledge, critical to understanding societal systems and structures constitutes a basal philosophical problematic to the human intellect. Notably, as disciplines that revolve around aspects of human society and culture, imaginative writing and literary studies rank among the major branches of inquiry invoked to generate ideas, solutions and initiatives for the betterment of human life. Comparatively scrutinising the ideological kinship between the poetry of Jared Angira and John Clare, the objective of this paper is to demonstrate that these poems constitute latent grounds for reflection on and critical engagement with the nature of existence and articulation of social thought and ideologies. Thus, this paper is a nominal effort in appreciating their commonality as an ideological catalytic agency of changing and transforming the social and cultural fabric of life in their societies. Drawing from the critical insights of New Historicism theory, the paper employs textual analysis and historical context study towards illuminating how both poets prescribe a common ideological guiding pattern that it designates Revolutionary Egalitarianism.
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